sábado, 19 de junho de 2010

Projecto SWIFT (Secure Widespread Identities for Federated Telecommunications)

A Portugal Telecom e o IT Aveiro participam no projecto SWIFT que parece ser interessante, em especial a proposta para uma arquitectura orientada à identidade para serviços/dispositivos móveis - convém ler o paper "Identity Based Mobility".
This document explains how SWIFT proposes an identity oriented architecture as a plugin architecture from different mobility tools, creating a long sought out bridge between multiple mobility protocols, which can differ from domain to domain. As proposed by the SWIFT project, most of the information that flows throughout the network is identity bound. Therefore, the network is no longer device oriented, but rather identity driven. From network access to service consumption, identities are the endpoints of the communication.
As a result, it makes sense that mobility should also be addressed in the same way leading to new concepts, where identity based mobility is in fact the main driver for mobility, rather than classical device oriented mobility, often considered as the de facto standard for current networks. Positioning the identity as the “brain” for mobility, allows turning mobility protocols into what they were designed to do: serve as tools to aid the continuity of a session, while movement occurs. 

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